Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Update Pics

As i mentioned in my previous post, i have already done some work on the Keg to install the Power Switch and the Power/HDD LED, some pics below of what i have done:

This show the Keg, like i said before, i want to keep the Keg looking as original as possible, no switches or LED sticking out of the top or side, as hidden and discreet as possible.

Here you can see the power switch, some careful removal of the old bits that were there and then some more careful milling and grinding away to make the switch fit. Once the spout is in place the round part can be flicked back over and once pushed will press the spout down and activate the switch. Again making it look like nothing has been changed from the original way it was meant to work.

The Cables going into the spout are for the Power/HDD LED. Again some careful but ruthless milling to creat the hole for the cables. The LED is a Tri-Colour but only 2 will be used.

Here you can see the LED itself, some careful reshaping of the LED so it would fit into the spout and a spot of superglue to hold it in place

Quite simply, working LED.

This is all i have been able to do at the moment, hopefully i will be able to get some aluminium so i can do the internal metalwork frame.